Memories or Maybe – What’s Your Clutter?

The most important things in our lives are those that are with us in the present: those items we use frequently and enjoy regularly. Being stuck in the past or dreaming of the future creates mental and physical clutter.

Do you hear yourself saying?

I can’t let that go, it belonged to…
That was a gift, so I have to keep it…
I loved that…
I used that all the time…
That was my favorite…
I paid a lot of money for that

These are statements related to your past. Our emotions tied to our past or someone else’s in the case of inherited goods leads us to cling to these items.

When you say:

I’m going to do that…
As soon as _____, I’m starting that…
I could use that sometime…
What if my ____ breaks – then I will need this.
It would be really nice to …
Just in case…
I should ….

These are future statements. If you hang on to extra things, “Just in case” you will have a harder time finding and using the items you do need today.

Take a look around your home and see where you are living: past, present or future.


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